During the last mile of pregnancy, your baby can grow so big that they bump up against your lungs and bladder. This can make even simple movements, whether standing, breathing, or blinking, uncomfortable (to say the least.) Instead of pushing your workout, we suggest saving the pushing for the finish line!
Workouts in the third trimester should be relatively gentle and aimed at preparing your body for labor. When you feel inspired to exercise, choose activities with a breathwork component and movements that open the pelvis and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. If you can, continue to work your postural muscles and protect your joints.
Cautions: All second-trimester cautions apply. As your belly grows to the size of a watermelon, your balance will change and you might find you're less stable. At this point, it’s wise to avoid any exercise that tests your balance to minimize your risk of falling. Experts also advise avoiding exercising at altitude. If you were planning on climbing Mount Everest, eight months into your pregnancy is not the best time.